The Snowman and the Snowdog
Aired 30 years after the first transmission of The Snowman, this enchanting story reunites viewers with the Snowman and introduces them to an adorable puppy-friend, the Snowdog.
A timeless and nostalgic brand for all the family helping to make magical memories for everyone, everywhere, every Christmas.
When a young boy and his mother move house, the boy discovers a secret box hidden under the floorboards of his bedroom. In the box, he finds a hat, scarf, some lumps of coal and a shrivelled tangerine - it's a snowman-making kit! Later that day it starts to snow and the boy builds a Snowman and with the little spare snow leftover, a Snowdog. That night, at the stroke of midnight, the Snowman and Snowdog magically come to life…
Fun facts!
- 10 million
People watched The Snowman and The Snowdog premier over the 2012 festive period
- 2
Number of years to finish the 24 minute film
- 17k
Individually hand-drawn images brought the film to life
- 1
Second of film represents up to 30 hours work
Get in touch
Alison Taylor
Director of DistributionAlison is responsible for driving the financing, distribution and long-term content exploitation strategy across all Aardman and third party content. In addition, she leads channel and platform sales in UK, USA and Germany, and is responsible for acquiring third party content for distribution.